Removal of invasive species in aquatic environment
Working in Special Status Species habitat
Mechanical removal of invasive species
Documented dry weight of species removed daily
Collection of GPS data
Site visit and assessment of baseline environmental conditions
Met with engineers and designers to determine new construction requirements and site layout
Consulted with local residents, agencies, and other stakeholders
NEPA compliance
Public involvement
Planted agaves to offset construction in Agave Management Areas
Installed shade canopies to protect plants
Recorded GPS locations and collected data on plant conditions
Monitored plant condition and collected data on predator impacts and plant stress
Conducted supplemental watering
Conducted daily sampling at waste water treatment plan
Conducted monthly sampling for potable systems at 20 locations
Conducted weekly sampling at ground water monitoring wells
Performed semi-annual sampling at intake wells and points of entry
Established approximately 30 baseline transects in areas of predominately native plants
Collected GPS points and waypoint identifiers for each transect
Collected population counts and density data on all plants identified in transect
Conducted annual monitoring for four years to determine rate of invasive plant species spread
Assessed training ranges for new .50 caliber shooting range
Developed mitigation measures for impacts to agave that serve as LLNB primary food source
Consulted with USFWS on mitigation measures
Conducted site visit to assess baseline environmental conditions
Consulted with agencies and other stakeholders on potential impacts
NEPA compliance
Public involvement
Assessed outdoor recreation opportunities on the installation
Identified environmental constraints for each site
Proposed management guidelines to restrict or prohibit recreation at sensitive sites
Developed GIS database and maps of recreational areas
Reseeded areas where annual mesquite extraction took place
Utilized approved native seed mix
Collected GPS data to show areas where seed was spread and concentration rates
Conducted site visit to assess baseline environmental conditions
Conducted archaeological survey and testing of new hangar site
Prepared Biological Assessment
Consultation with agencies and other stakeholders
NEPA compliance
Public involvement
Chemical control of invasive plant species (herbicide application)
Mechanical control of invasive plant species in areas where chemical could not be used
Collected GPS data on location, species, and density
Conducted follow up monitoring to determine success of chemical control on different plant species
Conducted annual surveys for LLNB
Tracked and compared annual counts for several roosting sites
Conducted field training with ENRD staff
Conducted assessment of erosion exposing archaeological site
Regraded access road to match natural topography of the area
Installed bollards and chains to prevent unauthorized recreational access
Reseeded road area and installed waddles to control erosion
Conducted condition assessment of thirty historic headstones
Describe range of deterioration
Identified methods and costs for repairs